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Tata Coffee Plantation Trails (Coffee Experience)

Pollibetta, Coorg

Room Description

  • Superior in a Bungalow

    There are five such types of rooms that are designed with tile floors. Guests can enjoy Nature at close quarters by listening to the lilting bird songs and breathe in coffee-rich air. The decor includes a queen-size bed. null

  • Luxury in a Bungalow

    There are seven such types of rooms that are designed with Red Oxide floors. Guests can enjoy Nature at close quarters by listening to the lilting bird songs and breathe in coffee-rich air. The decor includes a queen-size bed. null

  • Premium Heritage in a Bungalow

    There are seven such types of rooms that are designed with wooden floors. Guests can enjoy Nature at close quarters by listening to the lilting bird songs and breathe in coffee-rich air. The decor includes a queen-size bed. null

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